Tuesday 20 February 2018

Lost property

Genre(s): Mystery

In a Lost Property Office a kind old man is working behind the desk. Every day an old lady comes into this office looking for something she has lost...

  • Create your own story with the title ‘Lost Property’.
  • Write some narration to accompany the story.
  • Imagine a new room in the Lost Property Office that the couple explore together and describe what happens there.
  • Retell the story from the man’s or the lady’s point of view.
  • Choose one of the rooms that the couple enter and describe the setting.
  • Pause the video at different points and describe how the man and lady are feeling. How do their emotions change throughout the story?
  • Choose one of the keys shown at 2:09 and imagine what is behind the door that it opens.
  • Why does the lady return every day with a picture of something that she has lost?
  • At one point, the lady looks for a letter. Read some of the examples hanging on the lines and then write a letter from the lady to the man (or vice versa)?
  • If you could ask the characters some questions, what would you like to know? How might they respond?
  • Read the synopsis on the official site. Could you write your own synopsis for this story?

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