Monday, 7 October 2024

Have or have got?


For starters, when it comes to the English language, it’s helpful to notice the difference between American and British English:

The verb “have” in American English

The verb “have got” in British English

As can be easily seen, the structures of all types of sentences – positive, negative and questions – are different. However, we should emphasize that in the Polish education system British English is more common, and the overseas structures are barely presented.


Ex. 1 

Sunday, 7 April 2024

Modal Verbs: can, could, should and must


What do you know about modal verbs? 

A lot! You only have to pay attention to the following pics and practice to learn more about them.

This post explains the basics of modal verbs together with CAN/CAN'T COULD/COULDN'T , MUST and SHOULD.
Do the quizz after reading the presentation!!

Now , let us practice using activities in different levels:



a. can/could. CLICK HERE

b. can/can't/must. Traffic signs. click here

c. Can, Must, should. Choose the correct option. Click here

d. Can, must, should. Click here

e. Can, could, must, should. click here

f. Let's play

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Modal verbs: can, could, must & should